Thursday, October 21, 2010

the sound of confusion

All these musicians presenting sad portraits of suburban isolation.
All these kids are relating to it.
Is anyone learning anything?
Is anyone changing anything?
Gaggles of limping hipsters searching for nothing together.

The one with the most ironic t-shirt wins a free shitty beer!
"Sweet! I didn't want to face my fears tonight, either."

Arcade Fire Real Estate Ducktails Atlas Sound Deerhunter Animal Collective Panda Bear Dan Deacon MGMT, riding the wave of post-traumatic schooling syndrome.

"Hey, remember how much it sucked to be oppressed every day as kids? So do we! Oh, and we've got vinyl.. and American Apparel shirts! Buy them and wear them like a badge of exhausted apathy. It's called indie, so it's okay to consume."

This nostalgic-reflux is out of control.
A bucket of antacids is all they have to offer.

Puuuuuuurge! Get it all out!
All your answers are in there, somewhere.
It's messy, yes, but it must be done.

Can we DO something instead?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I, a faulty chromosome, do hereby swear....

I am limiting myself by trying to reach people through music.

First, they have to like the sounds I make. This immediately turns away a large number of people, as the noises I tend to produce are off-putting (to put it mildly).

Second, even if they enjoy the music, they also have to take the time to not just hear the lyrics, but really contemplate the meaning of the words (nirvana comes to mind, as there was a case when some guys raped a girl while singing the song "polly").

I'm not saying that I will stop making music, just that I should not waste so much time trying to make it "perfect." It should not take a year to make an album and another year to create the artwork and press it and promote it.

I am going back to bedroom recording. It makes the most sense and it always sounds the best to me. No more listening to "professionals" telling me what's "the industry standard."

I am abandoning the idea that there is money to be made in music. I am accepting that I will never make money, and I am glad to be freed of that noose. I just want people to be able to hear it and enjoy it. That was always the point. I hate money. Its existence forces you do terrible things that you wouldn't otherwise even consider.

Here's to a resource-based economy and free music for everyone!